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 Promotional / *1075 (-5)
  Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) Hi As far as I know the only 3 airlines that have this plane are the 3 you mantioned though every airline got it's own unique stickers. Yaron Dori (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to
  Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) i want one!!! (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to
  Re: Win LEGO! (at Burger King)
(...) I know what you mean... :) I was at one in NY state. I don't know how far reaching the contest goes. Benjamin Medinets (20 years ago, 16-Jul-04, to
  Re: Win LEGO! (at Burger King)
(...) Geography? US, Canada, just NY, just ON? Thanks. Not sure it's enough to convince me to eat there again but that's a different topic... (20 years ago, 16-Jul-04, to lugnet.general,
  Wanting to swap 7214 airline promos for 4032, or older promos
I am located in Canada and have some 7214s willing to swap/trade with people for other airline promos. Thanks. MaS (20 years ago, 2-Jul-04, to

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