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 Promotional / *1035 (-5)
  Re: Christmas Promo Sets
Well Shoot Mark, I thought you'd have posted something on this by now, I know you like to plug park stuff. (and boost your sales on bricklink...:]) Yep, I know that the sales were pretty dismal this year. The tent sale preview for pass members on (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, lugnet.legoland.california)
  Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) *cough* bricklink *cough* ;) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, lugnet.legoland.california)
  Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) Here is a pic of the ornaments on the tree: (URL) have a bunch of pictures I am working on to post here and on my site. Things have been so busy here I am a tad behnd :( But I am shooting for this week to get that stuff up. I will post in (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, lugnet.legoland.california)
  Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) Here are some pics of the Toy Soldier: (2 URLs) Nice work Bill. If it had a jetpack I would have bought one. ;) (URL) j o n (URL)> (URL) moonbase> (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, lugnet.legoland.california, FTX)
  Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) A word of warning, though (or maybe it was just mine?) - My soldier was missing a few of his tan pieces (including the 1x1 bricks w/ holes for the cheeks, leaving him looking a bit... skeletal. Apparently I got the 3vil Xmas ornament this (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to, lugnet.legoland.california, FTX)

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