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Instore baseplates holder
Tue, 4 Jan 2000 02:41:12 GMT
890 times
Baseplates came up in another thread and it reminded me of a recent (small)

Here in Oz, baseplates (32x32) are normally shelved in a yellow plastic
multi tray unit.  Its got four or five horizontal shelves (kind of like
stacked in trays) which can accommodate, I don't now, a dozen twin baseplate
packs each.

Being always in need of more sea plates (what it is to be a piratey, eh?
:-), I tend to skim a finger down the stack whenever I pass one of these
units.  Being a bit annoyed about not finding any for a few weeks, I had a
more detailed root around.

This unit has a vertical bay running down the back of the unit.

Obviously its about making sure the unit doesn't get pushed too far back on
a standard retail shelf.
Lo and behold, two very dusty sea baseplate packs.

I have no idea whether these units are used elsewhere on the planet,
although I doubt TLCs Australian volumes would have supported moulds for
what looks like a pretty custom unit.  You may already have known this. I
didn't and it seemed worth mentioning.


Still baldly going...
Check out Port Block at

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Instore baseplates holder
Richard Parsons wrote in message ... (...) baseplate (...) In the US, the only rack I have seen is a cardboard box for the 48x48 baseplates (and I think also the Duplo base plates). At TRU, the 32x32 baseplates are in a wire rack (which may or may (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jan-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general)
  Re: Instore baseplates holder
Are you just talking about those blue baseplates? They're everywhere here. -- Paul Davidson Richard Parsons <> wrote in message (...) (small) (...) baseplate (...) on (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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