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 Pirates / 165
    Re: Prussian —Richard Parsons
   Heather Patey wrote (...) He's a ninja shogun in another life ;-). There is a quite a trade in heads between my themes. As a general rule, I like the expressions on heads, rather than the straight smiley (although one always needs _some_ young and (...) (25 years ago, 14-Nov-99, to lugnet.pirates)
        Re: Prussian —Heather Patey
   (...) Aha! He seems to have adjusted quite well. (...) Just imagine them on a movie set, I suppose... or maybe that's where they _think_ they are... I agree they're limiting. I've heard of some dextrous poeple managing to remove them, but they've (...) (25 years ago, 14-Nov-99, to lugnet.pirates)

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