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Re: Caribbean Clipper
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 19:37:30 GMT
681 times
In lugnet.pirates, Craig Hamilton writes:
In lugnet.pirates, John DiRienzo writes:
  I built this model today.  Its missing the yellow parrot bird and the
flags are broken.  In what sets can I find cheap replacements for these

  Have fun!
The Legos you've been dreaming of...
my weird Lego site:

john ~

the yellow birds (a pair) were in the adventurer's set from last year that • came
with a gold carrying case. can't find or recall # and name... i hate it when
that happens!....

The flags on mine broke too- only from this set, and only the flags, not the
cannnon covers. I have this peice in a lot of other sets and they're fine.
This is the same peice as the speed flaps on the Snowspeeder- wrong color of


~ so much so, that i rifled through my instructions file. it's set #5919, a
neat little temple & tomb w/ vehicle. rather skimpy as a set, but containing
useable pieces. also a pair of red snakes, & a pair of grey birds as well.

later ~ craig

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Caribbean Clipper
(...) the yellow birds (a pair) were in the adventurer's set from last year that came with a gold carrying case. can't find or recall # and name... i hate it when that happens!.... ~ so much so, that i rifled through my instructions file. it's set (...) (25 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to lugnet.pirates)

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