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Re: New invention instructions
Newsgroups:, lugnet.people, lugnet.people.newbie, lugnet.people.teens, lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab
Tue, 4 Jan 2005 14:56:40 GMT
42 times
In, Thomas Jollans wrote:
Chih-Chieh Wang wrote:
Where can I get new inventions and their building instructions besides those
given in Lego Mindstorms Robotics Invention System 2.0?

three variations:

a) look around you room, dig in your LEGO boxes, have a walk through the
cellar or the attic
b) build the facinating idea you just had.
a) turn on your computer, start the web browser
b) find something facinating someone else has built
c) think: that's crap, I can build a GREAT improvement
d) <obvious />
a) get you hands on about 60-70 $/€
b) go to the closest LEGO store
c) buy the "Ultimate Builders Kit"
d) think: wow! pneumatics; gee! other cool parts; not worth the money


-If you're between 9-14, ask teacher at school to join First Lego League.


-If you're not, participate in a local LUG or organization that has regular
robotics challenges, etc.


Message has 2 Replies:
  RE: New invention instructions
(...) Participating the state FIRST LEGO League Tournament is a great idea. However, the challenging effect varies greatly. I guess it really depends on who holds the events. I went to one held in my state, I was completely disappointed. It turned (...) (20 years ago, 4-Jan-05, to, lugnet.people, lugnet.people.newbie, lugnet.people.teens, lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab)
  Re: New invention instructions
(...) Six: Check at your local library/bookstore for one of tha many books now in print. For example, (URL) here is a list of titles at -Rob A> (20 years ago, 21-Jan-05, to, lugnet.people, lugnet.people.newbie, lugnet.people.teens, lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New invention instructions
(...) three variations: ONE: a) look around you room, dig in your LEGO boxes, have a walk through the cellar or the attic b) build the facinating idea you just had. TWO: a) turn on your computer, start the web browser b) find something facinating (...) (20 years ago, 4-Jan-05, to, lugnet.people, lugnet.people.newbie, lugnet.people.teens, lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab)

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