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 People / Newbie / 323
  Wanted: Design for 2 foot tall Christmas Tree
Newbie to this group and don't know exactly where to post this request (ie, didn't see a "request/wanted" group and my request is not strictly local). Anyway, my goal is to create a 2 foot tall (roughly) Christmas Tree. I tried some things myself, (...) (14 years ago, 13-May-11, to lugnet.people.newbie)
  Re: Wanted: Design for 2 foot tall Christmas Tree
(...) Just an untested idea: It may give an interesting effect, if you use a stack of the old flower bases for branches. Play well, Jacob (13 years ago, 13-Jul-11, to lugnet.people.newbie,
  Re: Wanted: Design for 2 foot tall Christmas Tree
(...) hi how do i post in this site it doesnt work (4 years ago, 2-Nov-20, to lugnet.people.newbie,
  Re: Wanted: Design for 2 foot tall Christmas Tree
(...) hi how do i post in this site it doesnt work (4 years ago, 2-Nov-20, to lugnet.people.newbie,

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