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  Re: Wedding at LEGOLAND
(...) Not quite all of it.. :) The B wedding really takes place when the legal docs are signed and filed at a county facility, which can be filled with politicians.. which are extremely good at B acting, smoke and mirrors. Yet this really rocks! I (...) (25 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to lugnet.people)
  Re: Wedding at LEGOLAND
(...) Just throw them *my* way. Oh, never mind, it would be embarassing, everyone seeing me pick up the celebratory wedding bricks from the ground... :-, Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to lugnet.people)
  Re: Wedding at LEGOLAND
(...) No they don't throw plates, because the birds eat them all, get very bloated, and crash into the boat-pools. It was even worse when they tried spamcake. Steve (25 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to lugnet.people)

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