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Re: If Lego made new Town sets... what should they be?
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:19:28 GMT
2024 times
In lugnet.people, Kevin Wilson writes:
Well, if we're into smallest school mode... my daughter's school is 130
kids K-10. It's part of the public school system but it's an alternative
school (non-coercive and parent participation.)


I went to BAS (Beaches Alternative School) for a while, it was 3 classrooms,
from JK to 10, and I believe there were less than 30 of us there (2 grade 10

But, if you note, IPS is a _public_ school, and in the heart of Toronto.  The
Ferry ride was nice every morning, it ment you had a good chance that school
would be canceled if the ice was too thick...poor old Ongara...when that
happened, we would go to the airport ferry, and take that (a schoolbus would
pick us up at the ferry dock, and then go over to bathurst, then the island bus
would meet us on the airport...and drive us across the active to the island
gate...(the airport ferry is the shortest ferry run in the world, at something
like 377 ft :)  it didn't freeze hard, since it was across the major outflow

And, I still have Ferry tickets prepayed for a child, no expiry date on
them...a bit of a oddity.

James P

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: If Lego made new Town sets... what should they be?
Well, if we're into smallest school mode... my daughter's school is 130 kids K-10. It's part of the public school system but it's an alternative school (non-coercive and parent participation.) Kevin (25 years ago, 20-Jan-00, to lugnet.people,

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