> I really don't think Teddy was asking for a group in which to hold explicit
> sexual discussion.
> Of course outside interests have an impact on what you do with your LEGO hobby.
> I imagine most of the train guys are fans of real trains. I build a lot of
> medieval stuff because I am into history from that era. Doesn't it stand to
> reason that being gay would affect what you build with LEGO?
> All that aside, Teddy, why not say it with MOCs? There all sorts of stuff you
> could do. Dykes on Hoverbikes? Bears of the Caribbean? Or if you have a more
> personal story to tell or something you want to educate the LUGNET community
> about, why not tell us with LEGO? I, for one, have no idea who "Miss Tallulah"
> is or what the "classic invisibility thing" is - but I would be a lot more
> interested in learning if it involved LEGO.
> Anyway, I have no interest in seeing a group dedicated to non-LEGO talk that
> just happens to be about homosexuality. I am very interested in seeing
> gay-themed MOCs and gay-themed stories told with LEGO. If a .lavender group
> would further that goal, I am all for it.
> .off-topic removed from FUT as this doesn't seem off-topic to me.
> Marc Nelson Jr.
Just to clarify. I wasn't suggesting that there would be explicit sexual
content just content that is sexual in nature and on a site dedicated to a
childs toy it would be inappropriate. I am not trying to vilify Teddy or his
suggestion but discussion of an adult nature or of an adult topic would be
better served elsewhere. We may be a community of mainly adults but there are
kids among us and I think it would be wise to keep that in mind.
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