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Re: Lavender Brick Society
lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.suggestions,
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 21:16:27 GMT
6964 times

I really don't think Teddy was asking for a group in which to hold explicit
sexual discussion.

Of course outside interests have an impact on what you do with your LEGO hobby.
I imagine most of the train guys are fans of real trains. I build a lot of
medieval stuff because I am into history from that era. Doesn't it stand to
reason that being gay would affect what you build with LEGO?

All that aside, Teddy, why not say it with MOCs? There all sorts of stuff you
could do. Dykes on Hoverbikes? Bears of the Caribbean? Or if you have a more
personal story to tell or something you want to educate the LUGNET community
about, why not tell us with LEGO? I, for one, have no idea who "Miss Tallulah"
is or what the "classic invisibility thing" is - but I would be a lot more
interested in learning if it involved LEGO.

Anyway, I have no interest in seeing a group dedicated to non-LEGO talk that
just happens to be about homosexuality. I am very interested in seeing
gay-themed MOCs and gay-themed stories told with LEGO. If a .lavender group
would further that goal, I am all for it.

.off-topic removed from FUT as this doesn't seem off-topic to me.

Marc Nelson Jr.

Just to clarify.  I wasn't suggesting that there would be explicit sexual
content just content that is sexual in nature and on a site dedicated to a
childs toy it would be inappropriate.  I am not trying to vilify Teddy or his
suggestion but discussion of an adult nature or of an adult topic would be
better served elsewhere.  We may be a community of mainly adults but there are
kids among us and I think it would be wise to keep that in mind.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) Ruling out explicit sexual images/discussion - what does "content that is sexual in nature" mean? Is (URL) this> sexual in nature? How about (URL) this>? What about their gay equivalents? Marc Nelson Jr. (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.suggestions,, FTX)
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) A gaygroup isn't about sex, it's about understanding eachother and not having to explain everyting. Some people (no one in particular) seem to think homosexuality is about sex. It is not! I think it would be nice to have a GLBT-group. I would (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.suggestions,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) I really don't think Teddy was asking for a group in which to hold explicit sexual discussion. Of course outside interests have an impact on what you do with your LEGO hobby. I imagine most of the train guys are fans of real trains. I build a (...) (20 years ago, 14-Sep-04, to, lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.suggestions,

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