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 Parts / *861 (-5)
  Re: Very nice building. What part is this?
(...) That looks a whole lot like 'part' 69 (as numbered on Peeron), the base of the 1x2 tile with tap/faucet. (URL) (16 years ago, 6-Aug-08, to
  Very nice building. What part is this?
I like this building a lot. (in addition the the other buildings in this BShelf acct). I am wondering what part is used on this. It is on the 2nd floor, white, towards the bottom of the white window frame treatments. (there are three of them) It (...) (16 years ago, 6-Aug-08, to,, lugnet.inv)
  Re: 3839a resurrected in #7662? Someone please verify?
(...) I don't know about the handle length issue, but the Type A plate has handles that are centered vertically on the plate, and which do not meet flush with the bottom of the plate. The Type B plate has handles that are slung lower and blend into (...) (16 years ago, 4-Aug-08, to lugnet.starwars,
  Re: 3839a resurrected in #7662? Someone please verify?
(...) In the Type I version the rods are slightly longer and have a different position vertically. I can't remember if they're higher or lower than Type II. I thought Clark had an illustrative picture in his BrickShelf gallery, but I can't find it. (16 years ago, 4-Aug-08, to lugnet.starwars,
Well here is a little guy I have been working on that I thought you guys would like to see: (3 URLs) Enjoy! Kaminoan (16 years ago, 16-Jul-08, to,,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.starwars, FTX)  

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