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 Organizations / United States / WAMALUG / 144
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Re: WAMALUG pics from Mar 12th meeting
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 17:21:36 GMT
1817 times
In, Eric Kingsley writes:
In lugnet.general, Dan Boger writes:
Hey all - I just put up the pics from today's WAMALUG [1] meeting...  No
trains today (except Kevin's metroliner (doh! no pics of that!) and Rich's
Blue station)... But we did have some castle stuff, some iceplanet and a
pirate ship :)

Also, our first shot of stop-motion animation...  Works better on a fast
connection, or after you let your browser cache all the pics :)

Take a look!

Very nice I always like looking at your pictures but I do have to ask what
happened here. • l

I think I might just have to bring you all up on charges of neglect or abuse.

Kevin wanted to see if he could melt bricks without burning them in his
skillet.  We have declared him Officially Unpure.  :)

And he had go destroy the most valuable pieces, too...  Poor Yellow 2x4
Bricks...  :)

Jeff, "Thallid Lord"
Save the Whales!  I may get hungry later...  :)
ICQ #66153738

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: WAMALUG pics from Mar 12th meeting
(...) ...He must absolve himself on The Carpet and beg for forgiveness! can go back to ignoring me now... wubwub stephen f roberts lugnet #160 (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Horrific pic causes nightmare Was Re: WAMALUG pics
I made the mistake of viewing the pics right before bedtime. Which explains the following dream: I was frying some white LEGO bricks (the color I always seem to be short of!). Well, the white ABS began to emit vapors which evidently contained a (...) (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: WAMALUG pics from Mar 12th meeting
(...) Very nice I always like looking at your pictures but I do have to ask what happened here. (URL) think I might just have to bring you all up on charges of neglect or abuse. :-). Eric Kingsley The New England LEGO Users Group (URL) My Creations (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to, lugnet.general)

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