March 30th, 2013 SMART Meeting
Fri, 1 Mar 2013 19:08:16 GMT
24802 times
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The mini-challenge for the next SMART meeting, to take place at 2pm on March
30th, at Digipen as usual, and back in the Michelangelo auditorium, is to build
a sorting robot.
You can chose which item to sort, and whatever sorting criteria you like.
Sorting by size or colour are two obvious choices. Also sorting LEGO bricks or
other pieces are obvious choices. But who says you have to pick obvious choices?
I had a conversation with someone that you could sort by smell if you wanted.
Don't have a clean t-shirt? Send your robot to the laundry pile to pick out the
least smelly shirt for you to wear today. (Or you could just do the laundry.
Ever think of that?)
Have fun! Hope to see you at the next meeting!
David Schilling
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