| | Re: Crate Size
Here's a couple more questions for the SMART guys. First, how many balls are "normally" loaded into a crate? I'm guessing between 20 and 30. How would things be effected if the crates were a little shorter? It appears the crates could be one or two (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
| | Re: Crate Size
(...) Usually we aim for around 30 balls per crate. That gives enough leeway that if a robot is out of commission for a few minutes (changing batteries, say) that a 'filling' robot still can run without being stopped. More than around 60 balls and (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
| | Re: Crate Size
(...) If I haven't said this already, let me first express how impressed and fascinated I am with your Contraptions. Three questions about the SMART crate. 1. The one at (URL) is 7 1/3 bricks high. The ones at the Road Show ((URL) appear to be 7 (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
| | Re: Crate Size
(...) Thanks! It has been extremely fun and rewarding to build these. They certainly attract a lot of attention from crowds. (...) The current crate that we use is this one: (URL) The other one that you see was an old prototype when we first started (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
| | Re: Crate Size
(...) Similar to this piece? (URL) Good luck! Thanks! (20 years ago, 20-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
| | Re: Crate Size
(...) up on it. Two things I can see at this time, though, are that it only has one technic hole. It'd be much more useful with two or three that you could connect to. And second that it's not quite as thick as a rounded beam on the 'lifting' part. (...) (20 years ago, 20-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
| | Re: Crate Size
(...) Why 2x2 square bricks for feet, instead of 2x2 round bricks? Having played (only as little!) with the crate on a self-aligning stand (2x2 slopes to help center the feet), the slopes don't seem to need the square edges of the 2x2 feet, and a (...) (20 years ago, 22-Oct-04, to lugnet.org.us.smart)