Entire NELUG site works with OR without Java/Java Script.
Tue, 23 May 2000 14:09:34 GMT
841 times
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Hey all,
In all my tinkering around lately I discovered that if you disabled Java Script
on your web browser the NELUG site looked horrendous. I guess the tool I have
been using was inserting some Java Script for the page formating. Now that I
have figured this tool out for the most part I have been able to remove all the
Java Script so that the pages format well with or without Java Script enabled.
Now the only Java Script is a little one to give you the current date on the
home page. The only thing that is different if you disable Java Script is that
the date does not appear.
So I have gone in and reformated every page on the NELUG site so that its
appearance is consistant between browsers, Screen resolution, and whether or
not you have Java Script enabled. Hopefully now maintenance of the site for me
will be much less tedious and much more productive.
Eric Kingsley
The New England LEGO Users Group
View My Creations at:
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