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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 3106
    Re: Tech Tower —James Trobaugh
   (...) <snipage> (...) We need to get it next to my Varsity MOC at Brickfest, because you can't go to TECH with out going to the Varsity :) (URL) jt (20 years ago, 23-Jul-04, to, FTX)
        Re: Tech Tower —Alfred Speredelozzi
   (...) Hey, that's cool! I will have to show my wife. The only thing I ever ate at the Varsity was some chili cheese fries (I think). Tech Tower is planned to be in the NELUG part of the train display, so all you have to do is stick NELUG next to (...) (20 years ago, 27-Jul-04, to, FTX)

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