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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 2706
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Re: When the world was young...
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 20:55:58 GMT
2561 times
In, Shaun Sullivan writes:

How about this?  And I steal this, without apology, from the classic ASCII
graphics game "Rogue", which was the predecessor to "Moria":  The function of
an item is unknown until it is used ... and items with penalties are considered
"cursed", and cannot be dropped or removed until a "remove curse" spell or
potion is found and used.  To help the intrepids out, once a remove curse spell
or potion is identified (either by use or some sort of magic-user's skill
roll), all others of the same ilk are readily identified.

Example:  Slingblade, Joe's hideously ugly Chakram tosser, find a suit of plate
mail.  Wanting to emphasize her already godawful physique, she dons it.  And
the first time she is struck by a rock, it become clear that the armor is
cursed and she can't remove it.  However, she finds a pink potion in the next
treasure trove.  She doesn't know what it is, but she drinks it out of
desparation .. maybe it's a remove curse potion!  No such luck, it's an
"amplify armpit hair" potion, condemning her forever in the eyes of even her
blinded compatriots.  In the meantime, another hero on her team discovers a
blue scroll, and reads the spell on it.  It's a remove curse!  Unfortunately,
as he has no cursed items in his posession, he is reduced to curing himself of
a nasty rash.  However, now Joe's unbelievably vile hero knows that a blue
scroll is what she needs!

By contrast, a beneficial items can be handed off, dropped, thrown, or

There is one catch in this context though - what is to prevent one from simply
having peons don the armor first, to verify whether or not they are cursed?  IN
Rogue, you only had one character, so if you were getting the tar beaten out of
you you were willing to don anything in the hopes of it being enchanted.  I
mean, I even tried on a chain mail thong in that game, when I was being creamed
by Trolls, hoping that it was a "Thong +8".  In this game ... hmmm - well,
there is the time frame, I suppose.  If one is going to have a peon don the
armor, get attacked to find out if it is useful or not, then transfer it to a
hero, who then must don it, the game might already be over.

Alternatively, if we *really* wanted to be cruel (DEFINITELY!), we could say
that a weapon or armor, or any item that is *continuously* useful (versus a
spell or potion, which is use-it-and-it's-gone), might have a different effect
on each individual.  Even if peon tries it on and it's good, Uglification
Personified might put it on and find that it is cursed to her.  This is more
like unto Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings, even.  In Harry Potter, a wand
might embrace one user, but backfire hideously in the hands of someone else.
Similarly, in Middle Earth, some weapons were beneficial to humans, but might
burn to the touch or eyes of orcs and goblins (ala Sting).

Unless this is just randomly rolled as a particular race touches the object,
it would mean that we would need to know all of the races
beforehand...something I'm loath to do at this point.  I also kind of like
the idea that the same benefit/curse happens to any race and only nuances of
that unit affect the end result. For example, a unit that finds an item that
enables flight, but can already fly doesn't do anything.  The item is also
effectively nuetralized (at least until the unit is slain).

I also think that the good and the bad should stay with the unit who picked
it up...we are talking about a very shortlived game anyway, so the ability
to pass an item along is highly unlikely.  Also, passing only good items off
also enables an ubber unit to evolve in fairly short order, should the game
actually go long enough...personally, I don't want this to happen;  it's
about the clashing of kingdoms, not one unit running amuck.

If a peon, through luck or design, ascends to Hero status through use of
these items and a Hero descends to peon status for the same reasons, that's
good!    The bards will have something to talk about.  But to actively amass
such items around a particular unit seems to alter a fundamental aspect of
having a large army to begin with.

Stick *that* in your catapult and launch it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: When the world was young...
(...) How about this? And I steal this, without apology, from the classic ASCII graphics game "Rogue", which was the predecessor to "Moria": The function of an item is unknown until it is used ... and items with penalties are considered "cursed", (...) (22 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to

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