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Re: My army on field training exercise
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 04:51:04 GMT
2831 times
In, James Trobaugh wrote:
In, Ken Koleda wrote:

Okay, time for the bad news.
This image is mostly a ruse intended to confuse and deter the enemies of

There were only about 300 troops, 9 armored vehicles and 4 jeeps as shown in
this image:

Sorry. It *was* April 1st after all.

You may all 'virtually' slap me now.

I better go back to lurking.

But one question keeps popping into my head: How come so many people that know
me personally never questioned that I had 3500+ minifigs?  I must appear just
that 'eccentric.'

Wow Ken, if the original image is a fake I'd love to hear how you did it. It
looks very realistic.


What I did was arrayed many of the troops and vehicles that I have as shown in
this picture:

I had the camera set on a tripod and have a remote control shutter release so it
would not move at all.  I took a picure and moved the troops/vehicles back a
row.  If you look closely you'll see that groups about a each platoon have a
flag.  I swapped those around, and also rotated some of the turrets a bit and
moved some of the troops on the vehicles.  There were about 18 images in all.
Then I took them into MS image composer and clipped over each foeground image
and then dropped it on the image behind.

After that I still had some color/shading issues on the carpet so I copied some
carpet from a shot that had bare carpet in the areas in question.  Filled out
some shadow areas etc.  Also the last step was to reduce the size a bit to post.
This served to hide some of the rough clipping.

I honestly can't fathom building 3500+ figs and all that.  The 300 or so I have
gets a bit monotonous dealing with at times.

Here is a largish animated .GIF that kind of shows the process.  It's 4.7MB.

In retrospect it might have been better to try some kind of 'blue screen' effort
so that the clipping of the images would not need to be so labor intensive.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My army on field training exercise
(...) Wow Ken, if the original image is a fake I'd love to hear how you did it. It looks very realistic. jt (21 years ago, 8-Apr-04, to

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