| | Resceduled: LUGOLA Meeting SUNDAY October 19th - 4 PM
DOH! It looks like we need to move this to the 19th instead of the 26th. I'm sorry about the short notice folks, but that's how it is. Nine days from now at 4pm we'll be getting together in Altadena at Anne's place. More info forthcoming later (...) (21 years ago, 10-Oct-03, to lugnet.org.us.lugola)
 | | Re: Resceduled: LUGOLA Meeting SUNDAY October 19th - 4 PM
(...) Well, I'd better start asking now. Is anyone is San Diego/Orange co. going to this? Catching a train to a station in Orange is no prob for me. The later meeting start does give more trip options (what time I get back home doesn't matter). Will (...) (21 years ago, 10-Oct-03, to lugnet.org.us.lugola)
 | | Re: Resceduled: LUGOLA Meeting SUNDAY October 19th - 4 PM
Hi Adrian, Actually, it's still the same date (the 26th). The time will be changing though. -Anne (...) (21 years ago, 10-Oct-03, to lugnet.org.us.lugola)