In lugnet.org.us.lucny, Kevin Salm writes:
> In lugnet.org.us.lucny, Chris Leach writes:
> > > http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ejmcglynn/LUCNY/GATS/SYR03/Pictures
> > Wow great show guys....I didn't know one of my buildings was is the show:-)
> > My police station from a train show 3 months ago
> > http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=278010 A building from
> > your show show...http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=302112 they
> > could be twins...same design sqaures etc...same colors...wow...
> Yes, Chris is right. His police station WAS at the recent GATS show. I
> liked his building so much I copied it almost 100 percent. Actually, I think
> his had windows on three sides while my version only had two facades.
Yep it has three sides so it can face inside of our downtown and have a good
side facing the crowd.
> Our train station is also taken from MichLug's Livonia show. We needed a train
> station and I had no ideas of my own. Using just two pictures of David
> Kohrman's train station I copied it in under three days. The hardest part
> for me was getting the building's footprint correct. My version of this
> station is about 90 percent identical to David Kohrman's. I used half-arches
> over the windows, for example, and I think he used full arch bricks at least in
> a few places. The roof is slightly different, too, as I went all the way to
> the apex in all places where David did not.
> Additional pics will be available here pending moderation -->
> http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=20434
Cool Kevin...I had no idea anyone liked any of my buildings enough to make a
copy...I was just surprised to think it's worth doing...as for the train
station I said to my wife that your train station looked alot like Davids
but wasn't real sure....Chris MichLTC
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