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 Organizations / United States / BayLUG / 544
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Help me contact Paul Sinasohn
Fri, 13 Jul 2007 19:27:18 GMT
5760 times
I need help contacting and resloving a Jambalaya issue with Paul Sinasohn. Any help Baylug members could provide would be most appreciated. He received the box over a month ago, and has not been responsive to my requests that he send it and/or send me a tracking number.
   Paul, It has been well over 7 business days since you stated on LUGNET that you
   would send it. I fully expect you to ensure this package arrives soon. Email me if you need my address again, but there was a completed mailing label included. aaronsneary AT yahoo DOT com.

I am becoming impatient, and since this is not the first jambalaya you have
   not shipped in a timely manner, I am very near taking further action.

I don’t want trouble, I just want my fair share of this community trade.
   Please do the right thing and send the package, with a tracking number for proof of delivery as soon as possible.

Aaron M. Sneary

Thank you for your help

Aaron Sneary

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