Bay Area LEGO Users Group meeting
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Room
Fremont, CA
(Note: Originally this was listed as a Train Club meeting. We changed our mind
and have decided to make it a general LEGO users group meeting. Sorry for any
confusion this may have caused.)
BayLUG returns to the Fremont Library after a two-year absence due to library
renovation, with a general meeting.
(No contest is currently planned, but if you have any ideas please send them to
Bill or Russell.)
Meeting schedule:
10am-noon: Setup / members only
noon-1pm: Lunch break
1pm-4pm: Open to public
4pm-5pm: Teardown / members only
Note: we are not allowed to buy or sell at the library, and food is not
permitted. Only barter transactions are allowed, and plan to eat offsite during
the lunch break or step outside for a snack.
Russell Clark
President/Co-Founder, BayLTC/BayLUG
Fire Chief, PCFD
There is a very fine line between
"hobby" and "mental illness".
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