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 Organizations / United States / BayLUG / 32
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Re: Blue Tub sale at TRU - Please Help!!!
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 19:29:03 GMT
25 times
I picked up 36, I'm going to stop there - even compacting them into minimum
tubs, I don't know if I can fit that many in my car to bring them to the 3/12

I'll need paid back on these asap, they went on plastic.

All I ask for compensation is to keep the empty tubs after compacting them ;-)

Mike Poindexter wrote:

Sunday and Monday, there will be a President's Day weekend sale at Toys R Us
in CA.  They will have the Lego #3033 Basic Blue Tub for $14.99 plus tax.

I had ordered 300 of the Blue Tubs a few weeks ago.  They got into the
distribution center, but then were distributed all over California because
this sale is coming up and they figured that the stores in my area had
plenty.  They apparently did not realize that all the tubs were meant for
me.  My local stores will only be able to get me about 50 of the tubs.

If anyone in the Bay area sees these at TRU this upcoming weekend and is
willing to do me a favor, I would appreciate it.  I will reimburse anyone
who gets these for me and pick them up at the BAYLTC meeting on March 12th.
Although I think it would be fair to offer compensation, I really cannot
afford to.  In an effort to get these modules done in time for the NMRA
event, I have put myself under as much of a financial burden as I can have.
I would really appreciate it, though, if anybody would help me out.

I can get as many as people are willing to bring me for that price - up to
300 of them, which is more than I can transport in my car (I would make
extra trips if necessary).  I will bring cash or checks to the BayLTC
meeting to those I don't know.  People I do know who are strapped for cash,
I can send them money in advance of the meeting, assuming I will be able to
pick up the tubs when I come to town (a 3 1/2 hour drive for me).

I already have enough tubs bought and sorted to finish 5 modules.  I was
hoping to get enough from this sale to make another 6 more modules.  (200
tubs yields three 2x4 modules and one 2x4/2x6 hybrid module)  With any luck
and a lot of help, I would be able to finish 12 modules in time for the
show, sans buildings on top for decoration, which I would have to sub out to
the BayLUG and BayLTC members who wanted to help.

Please let me know if you are willing to help me out and when you get some
of the tubs at that price ($14.99 + tax), let me know and I will set aside
the appropriate amount of money for you.

Thank you,

Mike Poindexter

Tom Stangl
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***SF Bay Area DSMs

Message is in Reply To:
  Blue Tub sale at TRU - Please Help!!!
Sunday and Monday, there will be a President's Day weekend sale at Toys R Us in CA. They will have the Lego #3033 Basic Blue Tub for $14.99 plus tax. I had ordered 300 of the Blue Tubs a few weeks ago. They got into the distribution center, but then (...) (25 years ago, 15-Feb-00, to,

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