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 Organizations / United States / BayLUG / 104
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Mindstorm Mall Tour looking for a few good LUGs
Sun, 22 Oct 2000 12:24:34 GMT
5547 times
A couple weeks back I posted a pretty critical but not mean-spirited (IMHO)
critique of the mall tour as it passed near me (reference message Dear Lego
n=2518).  I was then contacted by Jeff Ardis the tour manager by e-mail.  He
stated that indeed they had seen some of these problems themselves,
particularly in the area of the (usually temporary) workers skills at working
with Lego.  I gave him a call and we threw around some ideas which could be
summed up pretty easily and are just preliminary until interest is determined
to exist.

1.  The Mindstorms Mall tour would love to possibly have some AFOLs work at
their tour events to hopefully keep the projects running better and provide
some extra enthusiasm.

2.  LUGs would be able to set up their own (small) display in with the
exhibit , with the only focus being that it doesn't overshadow the mall tour
itself.  Also, two other stipulations touched on only very briefly was that
there should be extra space at each tour stop for this but some malls
basically "cheat" and they have barely enough room for the display itself; and
also that sticking with current product or things made from current product
would be appreciated.

3.  Volunteers would be compensated somehow, this was very sketchy but Jeff
sounded sincere and I certainly didn't want to jump to any conclusions what
might be best.

The mall tour ends at the end of the year so Jeff wanted to set up something
quickly.  I thought that this should probably be coordinated best at the LUG
level, because if Jeff receives calls from 240 different people I think he may
have other thoughts.  Plus if we can do this at a LUG level then I also think
that it will give us a little boost at TLC as far as the quality of our
organizations.  I didn't list the Train clubs in this posting but certainly
they would be welcome too.  The tours dates and locations can be found at:

under the 2000 Mall tour.

I told Jeff I would post this and see what response I got.  He was only
somewhat familiar with Lugnet and didn't understand the LUG structure at all
at first.  I'd certainly like your opinions on this and I would have certainly
involved you all earlier had I realized that perhaps our phone conversation
would evolve into this.  I'd post his phone number and contact information
right now, but I'd really rather see the response before I might throw him for
a loop.  This post is meant to check the interest level and solicit opinions.


PS I also apologize for the rather wide net I tossed in the newsgroups posted,
follow-up probably best posted to:

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