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Building fun...
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 05:08:31 GMT
1419 times
Oh boy, the living room is filling up with MOCs :-)

The section for the low folding table, with the water, is mostly done, I
just have to complete the "ground level" in one corner and make the rest
of the monorail track supports. It looks pretty good, with a yellow
Technic arch bridge, Ninja rock walls for the bridge abutments and
footings, a cliff of BURPS and grey bricks, and a seawall above the
beach at the W end with a river across the beach and steps down to the
beach from the seawall. We need another 7 32x32 blue baseplates to
complete the water, or 6 if we use an island baseplate in the middle. I
haven't done anything about the docks at the E end, just the tracks on
the raised causeway at that end.

The other thing almost done is a big red brick warehouse to fit over the
tracks in the NE corner. It's 50x50 so it overlaps onto the rightmost
road plate where your crane tracks will be, Dean, by 2 studs. It's
pretty big but it's modular so I can adjust the height if necessary. The
north wall is all transparent thinwalls and I plan to light the inside
and have either a running newspaper press OR Santa's workshop with
elves, sleigh being serviced, etc :-)

I think I am going to put dibs on the 9v train station by the airport
next, unless someone else is working on it.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Building fun...
(...) Excellent! I've just completed a really good tanker car. It's made out of them black wheel hubs found in the Time Twister train. Amazing what one can do with six sets of that. heh heh. My arms are nuked for the time being so I'll have to take (...) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to

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