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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 5394
5393  |  5395
for those who don't have enough 9V geared motors...
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 18:51:09 GMT
480 times
Hi all,

.... the Party Packagers store at Orfus Rd & Caledonia
in North York has a couple of the large 3571 ZNAP sets with
motors for $10.  Boxes are a little opened/damaged, so make
sure you check the contents for those incredibly useful
and valuable black and purple ZNAP parts  :p .

I'm not sure if the other store location (Finch west of
Dufferin) also has them or not.

good hunting!


Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: for those who don't have enough 9V geared motors...
I'll split the cost of any of these kits you can get your hands on - you keep the motor and battery box and cables. I actually like the ZNAP kits and have a lot of the structural parts.... Cheers, Ralph (...) (22 years ago, 18-Sep-02, to

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