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Re: LEGO Axle Sorter, was Re: St. Patty's Day Dinner!!!!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic
Fri, 9 Mar 2018 17:05:49 GMT
27451 times
In, “David Koudys” wrote:
   I probably should have changed the title as I’m x-posting to a different group. Back in the heyday here, I woulda been raked over the coals for that (1)...

Dave K
  1. :)
  2. but since there’s no one here to stop me... (3)
  3. Oh, and replying at the top of the message (2)
In, “David Koudys” wrote:
   So here’s some prelim pics and a few vids of the axle sorter working--

As I said on my Flickr page (and below), I’ve been thinking about this since someone mentioned this at an rtlT event years ago, but didn’t work on it until this video--

So I blatantly ripped off the sorting setup, but wanted to use a drum instead of a scissor lift. Was that the right thing to do? Eh...

I’m not done yet and it’s not 100%. As a matter of fact, I really didn’t have time to test this before I packed it up for our LEGO dinner tonite...

So there’ll be future iterations.

The good bit, I tried to make it break down into a few smaller pieces for ease of transport, That’ll make it easier to move around and update

Dave K

In, “David Koudys” wrote:
   Or March Dinner, since it, like Valentines Day, doesn’t fall on this particular day...


Friday, March 9th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 7 p.m.

I may bring along an axle sorter (that I’m currently making portable) that’ll run on a battery box, so if ya wanna bring some axles for sorting... :)

Dave K -getting back into building mode, specifically ‘old school’ technic stuff :)

--was going to haul out an RCX for the sorter, but wanted the challenge of doing it straight battery

Hi David,

I will be there too. Long time since I last participated to anything Lego related, but I need to feel alive again. Perhaps we can revive the group a bit...

Cheers, Gabriel.

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO Axle Sorter, was Re: St. Patty's Day Dinner!!!!
I probably should have changed the title as I'm x-posting to a different group. Back in the heyday here, I woulda been raked over the coals for that (1)... Dave K :) but since there's no one here to stop me... (3) Oh, and replying at the top of the (...) (7 years ago, 9-Mar-18, to, lugnet.technic, FTX)

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