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Re: Open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company / Call for your signs! (no discussions here please)
lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego,,
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 17:55:19 GMT
14 times
In lugnet.color, Calum Tsang wrote:

You do know most of the time I'm responding only because you guys expect it,


                   :::Warning, this is a personal attack!:::

No one will ever really love you Calum!
(Except maybe for your parents)
But aside from family, you will never be truly be loved.

This is true, and we all know it.
I don't care if i get banned, or if Lugnet implodes with all the negative karma.

But this whole situation is nevertheless fun for two sick reasons:

1. Insanity is interesting, and it's got me posting again.

2. And, Calum will never get laid...

These are undeniable truths.

live with it!



P.S. And hey, if Chris, and a buncha German guys are gonna get banned, then this
is not the kinda place i wanna be in!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company / Call for your signs! (no discussions here please)
In lugnet.color, Richard Noeckel wrote: (...the stuff that Richard writes.) Richard, that post was HOT. With every word I read, I feel the passion growing in my loins. Please continue turning me on. Love, Iain (20 years ago, 21-Jan-05, to lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego,,  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company / Call for your signs! (no discussions here please)
(...) I don't think I've ever heard me described that way. Sigh! (...) Mindstorms Tax Filing has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard. Next month, we're doing RCX fractal rendering. (...) Grr! Square opaque eyes, grr! (...) You do know most of (...) (20 years ago, 21-Jan-05, to lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego,

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