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 Organizations / Australia / 1682
    Chupa Chups Promotion —Todd Thuma
   Hey You Aussies' Has the Chupa Chups Promotion happened in Austrailia yet? See BrickSet about the 12 sets that number sequentially from 3380 to 3391. (URL) actually had a customer come into the LEGO Outlet in Atlanta tell me about them, curious (...) (21 years ago, 5-Feb-04, to
        Re: Chupa Chups Promotion —Jonathan Wilson
   I have seen small thingos that come with chupa chups and minifigs in at least one k-mart store. But I dont know if its still going on or not (I didnt actually buy any because I dont like that flavour of chupa chups or those figs) (21 years ago, 6-Feb-04, to

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