For Mark Harrison
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 14:37:11 GMT
1970 times
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> Hi Richard,
> What gives? First you tell me you have two of the 2148 trucks for me then you
> refuse to reply to all my emails. If you changed your mind or got a better
> offer at least have the coutesy to tell me!
> Mark H.
Mark old man,
I have replied to both your follow-up emails - one bounced, the other
presumeably got through, I can't imagine why you haven't read it. Since
your blood pressure is on the rise, it seemed best to post here.
Nothing has changed. I for one don't burn people for a few dollars more. I
have simply been busy. I was kinda hoping to mail them to you last Monday,
but my life had other ideas. Hopefully tomorrow. In the meantime, you
haven't any money at stake - my best advice is to simply relax and let it
Still baldly going...
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