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 Organizations / Australia / 1458
1457  |  1459
For Mark Harrison
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 14:37:11 GMT
1970 times
Hi Richard,

What gives? First you tell me you have two of the 2148 trucks for me then you
refuse to reply to all my emails. If you changed your mind or got a better
offer at least have the coutesy to tell me!

Mark H.

Mark old man,

I have replied to both your follow-up emails - one bounced, the other
presumeably got through, I can't imagine why you haven't read it.  Since
your blood pressure is on the rise, it seemed best to post here.

Nothing has changed.  I for one don't burn people for a few dollars more.  I
have simply been busy.  I was kinda hoping to mail them to you last Monday,
but my life had other ideas.  Hopefully tomorrow.  In the meantime, you
haven't any money at stake - my best advice is to simply relax and let it

Still baldly going...

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