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 Organizations / Australia / 1214
1213  |  1215
Specials Ipswich Area
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 06:14:49 GMT
1488 times
Hi All
just got in from shopping found the following at Cooee Kids / Toyworld (
Redbank Plaza ) not the best kits in the world but not bad for this area.
Artic 6569 but in a Bonus box with a second kit(no number) $13 and note both
kits have piece counts in lower corner which indicates they came from USA.
Staff assured me the kits were given to them by LA.The other is the SW kit
7151 (Sith Infiltrator)on the shelf at $20 (yes I even had to look a second
time). There was about 15 of each on the shelf teh staff said the sale would
start on Thursday but I am going back to grab a couple more of the Artic.

By for now

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Specials Ipswich Area
(...) both (...) According to the LUGnet databse, 6569 is a bonus pack comprising 6578 and 6586. (URL) (24 years ago, 5-Dec-00, to

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