When I read about this on Slashdot, my first thought was "Why can't Lego make
this same offer?"
I would say that Lego User Groups, and Lego Train Clubs do better marketing for
Lego for free than anything that they could pay for. People remember a fan
saying that something is cool much better than a commercial or a store employee
saying the same words. And when you get stuff at a discount, you tend to
appreciate it more. :)
I remember when we brought the new soccer sets to a train show a day or two
after we found them in stores. Everyone went nuts and wanted to know where to
buy them (by then all of the stores that got the tiny inital shipment were all
sold out.) Imagine the hype that LUG's could help build if we all could get
the products this early or sooner.
Ben Roller
P.S. Remember to follow-up to the appropriate group
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