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  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) (snip) Hi René- PNLTC diverged into two spereate entities on August 28, 2004. PNLTC is now GPLR (Greater Portland LEGO Railroaders) and PSLTC (Puget Sound LEGO Train Club). Please note that the PNLTC name, herald and website are now (...) (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Hi Brian, thank you very much for the explanation. So on the LUGMap, I can clear both, CedarLUG and WAFOL to create ULUG? Do you need a LUGNET newsgroup for ULUG? Probably it would help to get more members, since the only thing I found on the (...) (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to,, FTX)
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Hello, I am Brian Pilati. CedarLUG has officially been laid to rest. RIP! CedarLUG has been merged with WAFOL to form ULUG (Utah LUG). It was more convenient to have one club in Utah. Gary McIntyre is the unofficial president of ULUG. With my (...) (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Hello, I am Brian Pilati. CedarLUG has officially been laid to rest. RIP! CedarLUG has been merged with WAFOL to form ULUG (Utah LUG). It was more convenient to have one club in Utah. Gary McIntyre is the unofficial president of ULUG. With my (...) (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Thank you very much René. Posting on lugnet will be much more convenient than our previous yahoo site. Hopefully more Saint Louis Area fans will see our group and join. Ben (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Thanks for clarification, Steve! I just thought TCLUG is no longer, since I haven't found any websites and the group is pretty quiet. Leg Godt! Rene (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Hi Sid, NYCLUG now has it's entry in the LUGMap... Leg Godt! -Rene (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Hi Ben, thanks for the information about CMLUG. A new group for GtwLUG is installed: (URL) (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) Hi David, I used .COM indeed, thanks for pointing this out! The URL is updated in LUGMap and LUGCO's group sidebar now. Leg Godt! Rene (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to,
  Re: Some dead LUGs?
(...) The GMLUG is inactive. JOHN (18 years ago, 13-Nov-06, to, FTX)

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