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  Not a Dinner Post....
It's been a half a year since I last posted. However, LUGNET is never far from my mind... So I post! Hope everyone is well... most of my friends that I chatted with here are on my facebook so chatting is going on over there... But I miss posting... (...) (4 years ago, 29-Oct-20, to
  **CANCELLED** Re: Dinner this Friday
I'm no 'band wagon hopper onner' (if that's actually a thing...) But with the worldwide pandemic thing going on, I'm going to err on the side of prudentcy. And yes, it would be prudent to not hang out in crowded spaces at this time. So Friday's (...) (5 years ago, 12-Mar-20, to
  Dinner this Friday
Yes, it's time again to send out an invite to *everyone* (1) This Friday the 13th!!!! (Duh- duh- duhhh...hhh) Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. We will be there, and would love to see you. Dave K 1- Everyone in this instance defined as (...) (5 years ago, 10-Mar-20, to
  No Dinner Tomorrow
As a reminder, there is no dinner tomorrow night We will resume our usual Friday dinner in March! Keep checking this space :) Dave K (5 years ago, 21-Feb-20, to
  Dinner Tomorrow!!!
Yes I said that it wasn't going to happen because of The Big Show!!! (tm) this upcoming weekend But one MUST have a Valentines Dinner Special!!! So the (tentative) plan is to hit the Internatinoal Centre first, set up for a few hours, then go to (...) (5 years ago, 13-Feb-20, to
  LEGO Display over the Family Day Weekend at the International Centre, Toronto
We will be setting up a small display at the International Centre over the Family Day Weekend-- (URL) Feb. 15th Sun., Feb. 16th Mon., Feb. 17th 10:00am – 6:00pm International Centre 6900 Airport Road Mississauga, ON I'll be bringing some sort of (...) (5 years ago, 22-Jan-20, to lugnet.announce,,
  (Best Barbara Walters impersonation)--It's time for our first dinner in 2020
This Friday, come out to 'The Chalet' for the first dinner of 2020 Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Let's start the year off right and hang out with friends that have similar interests Fam. Koudys should all be there--We'd love to see all (...) (5 years ago, 6-Jan-20, to
  Christmas Dinner on Friday the 13th!!!!!
Well, that's unusual... Anyway, this Friday is 'lego dinner' Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Come one, come all-it's open doors!!! We'd love to see everyone, and celebrate Christmas, and wrap up the year with friends... See you there Dave (...) (5 years ago, 11-Dec-19, to
  Re: December Christmas Special meal
I'm trying to ascertain why Larry's post above is the 'Top Stories' OF ALL TIME!!!! 101774 times viewed!!! So December 25, 2013--almost 6 years ago.... I think someone wrote a script that loaded Larry's post in a browser every half hour since (...) (5 years ago, 15-Nov-19, to, FTX)
  Dinner - Friday November 8, 2019
Friday Dinner has come along once again! Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. I don't know if I'm bringing anything for show, but I'll be there with most of my parts intact! Hope to see you there. Dave K (5 years ago, 6-Nov-19, to
  Re: Friday, October 11 Dinner :)
(...) Well, you obviously missed dinner. It was a good one. Dave K (5 years ago, 14-Oct-19, to
  Re: Friday, October 11 Dinner :)
(...) what the fuck have I stumbled across? I found a link to this place from 2000 (5 years ago, 11-Oct-19, to
  Friday, October 11 Dinner :)
Friday, October 11th, you are cordially invited to our family friendly, sorta LEGOish dinner at the following location-- Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend--we sit around and play 'catch up and maybe show off a (...) (5 years ago, 7-Oct-19, to
  Re: TENTATIVE Show - The Greater Toronto Train Show, Oct 5 and 6
So a few things-- Life gut busy and I didn't get this booked and completed. I know there will be some lego display from members of ToroLug there, so there will be a lego presence. I'm sorry to those that wanted to attend. That said, I will be at (...) (5 years ago, 1-Oct-19, to
  I'm Published!! Thanks HispaBrick!!
The September issue of HispaBrick has an article I wrote about the SEQ 4.5 volt control boxes I acquired earlier this year (see rtlToronto LUGNET posts earlier this year :) ) Wow! I'm actually feeling pretty lucky that HispaBrick took an interest in (...) (5 years ago, 25-Sep-19, to
  Giving everyone a very early heads up - Dinner Friday September 13, 2019
More than a week for notice!! That's because our dinner this month falls on Duh Duh Duhhhhhhh...... FRIDAY the 13th!!!! (chainsaws not included... oh wait, wrong stupid horror movie) So Friday, September 13th, be at the following location for (...) (5 years ago, 3-Sep-19, to
Yes I'm shouting.... As Bricks in the Six is going to be well underway by this Friday, there won't be a (non-rtlToronto) dinner at Swiss Chalet. We will get back together in September and hopefully have a great report from attendees of Bricks in the (...) (5 years ago, 7-Aug-19, to
  Making this a habit - and not a good one - but Dinner Tomorrow!!
Well, I can think of worse habits... Quothe me from last month (with a few updates)-- little late posting (yeah, the day before...) Dinner tomorrow night--same bat station, same bat time.... Friday, July 12th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 (...) (5 years ago, 11-Jul-19, to
  My LEGO 18 piece Burr puzzle - Building something that's not Spacey at all!
Well, besides my continuing posting to LUGNET just 'cause I can (and will continue to do so until they turn out the lights...) (1) A few things First, I wanted to see if I could actually build something non-space related after a many year focus on (...) (5 years ago, 3-Jul-19, to,, FTX)
  June Dinner
A little late posting (yeah, the day before...) Dinner tomorrow night--same bat station, same bat time.... Friday, June 14th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. See you there Dave K (6 years ago, 13-Jun-19, to

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