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 Off-Topic / Geek / 4507
  Website Host speeds
Does anyone know of a good way to compare the speed of website hosts that does not involve pinging? I'm particularly interested in comparing the speeds of: (currently hosted by (hosted by (...) (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to, lugnet.publish)
  Re: Website Host speeds
(...) If you can find a traceroute server close enough to your location, I think it would provide a somewhat accurate representation of what you want. Go to Google and search for "traceroute" -Orion (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to
  Re: Website Host speeds
(...) Find decently-large files on each site and compare their download speeds. For me both at BU and on my DSL connection at home, the first two are blazingly fast and the third is pretty slow. The fast ones I get at over a megabyte a second (...) (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to
  Re: Website Host speeds
(...) No good -- some of the listed sites have a firewall which blocks (normal) ping and traceroute. You could use a tool that does TCP "pings" using the http port, but probably actual file download speed is the number you want to measure anyway. (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to
  Re: Website Host speeds
(...) Hmm, in that case maybe it's not worth saving $10/year to change hosts... --Bram (21 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to
  Re: Website Host speeds
(...) Yes, I agree. How's the service there at atlnetworks? :) (2 URLs) >> (21 years ago, 10-Sep-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Website Host speeds
(...) The service is pretty good. Problems are usually fixed within 24 hours or less, but the staff could use some grammar lessons. Seems like the speed of the site is pretty variable though. I've since paid for the next year, so I won't be (...) (21 years ago, 11-Sep-03, to

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