| | Re: Google aquires dejanews!
(...) IMO this will be good in the long run. Over the past 4 years or so I have seen dejanews/deja change change from a respectable resorce to this scary ad infested beast that you have to jump thru hoops to find the message you want. I like Google (...) (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Google aquires dejanews!
(...) Agreed. I've been particularly disappointed in the loss/lack of Usenet archives on Deja. What I miss now is the myDeja function. I hope Google can get that replaced ASAP... Improving upon what Deja had shouldn't be too hard. -Rob. (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)