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 Off-Topic / Geek / 243
    Re: Good read (Was: [faq FAQ How do I format an entry in the Lugnet FAQ?]) —Todd Lehman
   (...) Me too! Great stuff, Robert! Say, here's a fun tidbit about the golden ratio if you're interested -- If you plot multiples of phi on the unit interval [0,1), then the nth multiple always falls into the largest "untouched" sub-interval. That is (...) (26 years ago, 16-Jul-99, to
        Re: Good read (Was: [faq FAQ How do I format an entry in the Lugnet FAQ?]) —Robert Munafo
   Well, *since* we're in the off-topic, GEEK newsgroup... <-: (-; [-8 Yes, I knew those things about *phi* and I've left out a lot of other stuff about *phi* for aesthetic reasons. I've been at a bit of a quandary about what to do with my number and (...) (26 years ago, 17-Jul-99, to
        Re: Good read (Was: [faq FAQ How do I format an entry in the Lugnet FAQ?]) —Todd Lehman
   (...) Majorcool geekage! --Todd (26 years ago, 17-Jul-99, to

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