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Re: Splitting text files.
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 09:38:35 GMT
256 times
guito wrote:

does anyone know of a way to split a text file into multiple
files based on the number of lines?  ie: 5000 lines split in
to five files of 1000 lines each.

If you're using a UNIX variant the split command will do this
for you.  i.e.

   split -l 1000 [filename]


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Splitting text files.
(...) Since this is a gnu tool, you can probably get this on many non-Unix platforms too. (24 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to
  Re: Splitting text files.
(...) thanks! that worked beautifully. (24 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Splitting text files.
does anyone know of a way to split a text file into multiple files based on the number of lines? ie: 5000 lines split in to five files of 1000 lines each. i've been trying to figure out a way to do it with perl, but no luck so far. but any way to (...) (24 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to

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