| | Hop-Frog, you've got it all wrong! Dave Schuler
| | | (URL) The problem with EPII wasn't a feeble story or lame acting or the unbelievable love affair between the beautiful young senator and her creepy-obsessive-bro...chopath... The problem is with The Internet. I particularly love this bit: (...) Oh, (...) (22 years ago, 18-Oct-02, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, lugnet.starwars)
| | | | | |  | | Re: Hop-Frog, you've got it all wrong! Matt Sekerak
| | | | | Nice, Dave! I haven't read such poignant sarcasm in months! I'm afraid, however, that your expose is lost in a tossing sea of debate over scale. Hopefully this thread will weather the storm, as it speaks many truths. -Matt (22 years ago, 18-Oct-02, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
| | | | | | | |  | | Re: Hop-Frog, you've got it all wrong! Richard Marchetti
| | | | | So Dave! You think I should have messed with Lucas as per one of my last posts? If I see him again, I think I will...on your behalf. -- Hop-Frog (22 years ago, 18-Oct-02, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
| | | | | | | | | |  | | Re: Hop-Frog, you've got it all wrong! Dave Schuler
| | | | | (...) If you thank him for JarJar and for the Ewoks and for the bicephalic-Greg-Proops and for Jake Lloyd and for Hayden Christiansen and for the Chewbacca-tarzan-yell and, while we're at it, for Howard the Duck, then I'll consider Lucas (...) (22 years ago, 18-Oct-02, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
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