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Re: Okay, time to finish this.
Sat, 11 May 2002 22:31:15 GMT
579 times
In, John Neal writes:
In, Kyle Keppler writes:

At least it's not trainzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Bite your keyboard, Troll!  And BTW, we prefer "trainstrainstrains" TYVM

Okay, I give.  TYVM isn't in Shiri's acronym faq, but one of the suggestions in
the guide is to figure it out by the context.

To Your Version M-tron? (Yeah, that isn't the M-word I think you would use,
John, but I want to remain neutral.)

Maggie C.
Paradisa-- like Switzerland with beaches!

"A theme so nice, we named it thrice" -- 2 1/2 times better than the leading
themes combined (just ask LFB-- he's a Fulbright Scholar!)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Okay, time to finish this.
(...) :-) Thank You Very Much:-) -John (23 years ago, 11-May-02, to

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  Re: Okay, time to finish this.
(...) Bite your keyboard, Troll! And BTW, we prefer "trainstrainstrains" TYVM "A theme so nice, we named it thrice" -- 2 1/2 times better than the leading themes combined (just ask LFB-- he's a Fulbright Scholar!) -John (23 years ago, 11-May-02, to

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