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 Off-Topic / Fun / 8132
  Re: Now that we have a range of pictures...some thoughts...
(...) :) Ha! You were lucky! All I had was a Vic-20 with FIVE WHOLE KB of RAM. Actaully I upgraded it later to 32KB. Wow! Kevin (who also wrestled with punched cards and paper tape in earlier days) ---...--- Craftsman Lego Kits & Custom models: (...) (23 years ago, 20-Sep-01, to
  Re: Now that we have a range of pictures...some thoughts...
(...) Hmmmph. Beaten by a VIC-20. My Apple ][+ had 16K, 10K of which was ROM. But then I had my TI-59 calculator with magnetic card reader and a whopping 960 (floating point) bytes!! Nyak, nyak!! Like to see *you* write a micro-chess (5x5) game on (...) (23 years ago, 21-Sep-01, to,

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