Important Message For LUGNET (was Re: A missed LEGO opportunity)
Sat, 9 Jun 2001 18:34:04 GMT
255 times
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In lugnet.technic.bionicle, Mark Sandlin writes:
> > In lugnet.technic.bionicle, Matthew Gerber writes:
> > > What in the hell is a 'probuct'?!? Geez...I suck!
> It must have been posted by the *EVIL* Matt Gerber!
> *GASP*
> ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
LUGNET-Your attention please:
It has come to light (thank you Mark Sandlin) that there is a clone of me
posting messages to EVIL CLONE!
Please, accept this post as fair warning; If you ever see a post bearing my
name in which any of the following are true, it was posted by my EVIL CLONE,
and the views expressed are not necessarily my own:
1) The post contains dumb typos or ignorant misspellings
2) You are in any way offended by the post
3) The post contains fradulent, inflamatory or obviously ignorant information
4) The post attempts to be anything but witty, philisophical, informative or
just darn useful
5) The post espouses the use of any computer other than Macintosh
5a) The post claims knowledge of any OS other than MacOS
6) The post holds one ideal over another (i.e. large MOCs vs. small)
Again, messages of these type are the result of my EVIL CLONE-and I am
sorry. There may be other tell-tale signs I'm not currently aware of, but if
you believe that a post contains any content that you woldn't attribute to
my usual sweetness-and-light type attitude, assume that it was written by my
EVIL clone.
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