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Finally! In Cinemas! The LOTR preview!
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:23:29 GMT
218 times
O' Mighty Tolkien!, who can stand in thy counsels?

I realize that everyone has no doubt seen the previews on the web, but, alas, I
had not.  I was saving myself for the cinema experience.  Finally, it came...

I saw the first preview for LOFR last night (and I fortunately didn't have to
again sit through Meet Joe Black to see it), and I think that we are in for
something great.  Star Wars Episode II?  Hah!  But a mere footnote in 2002 to
The Two Towers.

For those Tolkien fans amongst us, the preview started with the ring spinning in
a red background as the One Ring poem was recited.  Then we saw an Orc host
marching over a hill.  Incredible.  Cut to Gandalf and the Hobbits, cut to
Galadriel speaking to Frodo, brief milli-second shot of a dark-haired beauty
reclining (Could it be Eowyn?), cut to shot of the 9 traversing a snow-covered
mountain pass, and then a shot of the 9 cresting, in turn, the brow of a
mountain ridge.  Outstanding.  We have 3 1/2 years to anticipate and revel in
the greatness.  December, 2001?  I'm getting in line this Thanksgiving.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Finally! In Cinemas! The LOTR preview!
(...) I've been waiting for something of this scale for 33 years. Get behind me in line. :-) Bruce (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to
  Re: Finally! In Cinemas! The LOTR preview!
I do not think those things you saw are in the web preview! The spell cast by the 1977 holiday broadcast of The Hobbit has never really worn off me. This will be a great treat at the end of the year. Not all those who wander are lost... (24 years ago, 17-Jan-01, to
  Re: Finally! In Cinemas! The LOTR preview!
(...) Have you been reading the backcover of The Silmarillion again? :-) (...) Ah, a man of virtue. (...) Most likely, it'll be two towers of cash. (...) Arwen most likely, Eowyn is blonde. Remember the scene with the Witch-King in front of Minas (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jan-01, to

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