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 Off-Topic / Fun / 5735
    Goofy game for all you Vegas luvin' people —Julie Krenz
   So far I've gotten 2 out of 3 right. So so very sad :-P My parents are coming in tomorrow from Vegas, I'll have to test them. (URL) (25 years ago, 13-Aug-00, to
        Re: Goofy game for all you Vegas luvin' people —Tore Eriksson
     One out of four or five... :( (...) -- Tore Eriksson Sweden ICQ: 76066510 LEGO: MOC++++ FS,SP,TO++ TC+ LS YB@m (25 years ago, 13-Aug-00, to
        Re: Goofy game for all you Vegas luvin' people —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Wow this is scary, I must go there way too much. 12 for 12 so far (using hints for 10 of them) ++Lar (25 years ago, 17-Aug-00, to

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