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 Off-Topic / Fun / 5274
  Re: 9V train collection completed
(...) It's all on topic, since in the trunk there whre lying: 4558, 4557, 4536, 7745, 7740 (engine only), 720 (engine for me), 7838, 7823, 7817, 7813, harbour, monorail, lots of track, pirates, old police set(35x), fire station, big wheelsets like (...) (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to
  Re: 9V train collection completed
(...) Which is just about enough weight to hold the front wheels of a Skodan Rapide on the ground at 220kmh. Only it wasn't one of those was it? Jon Ps - Man walks into a car spares shop and says "I would like a door mirror for my Skoda please" (...) (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to

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