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 Off-Topic / Fun / 4766
    Re: Majick? —Lindsay Frederick Braun
    (...) You're luckier than you know. The original post triggered an attack in me. (...) Just you wait...remember Musical Youth, that Dutch group? And "Pass the Dutchie, on the left-hand side..." AIIIEEE. LFB (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to
        Re: Majick? —Shiri Dori
     (...) Um, I discovered that quickly enough. I got stuck on it today - on that only line, that I heard once! (...) Well, don't know that one either. I get stuck on, um, Sesame Street songs sometimes, if that's any consolation ;-) -Shiri (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to
        Re: Majick? —Steve Bliss
   (...) Man, I gotta pull that album out one of these days. I haven't listened to it in about 10 years. Is there a genre for "bubblegum reggae"? Steve (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to
        Re: Majick? —Jeff Stembel
   (...) You have *got* to be kidding... (...) Um, yeah, lemme check to see what it is called... ah, here it is: "awful" :) Jeff (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to
        Re: Majick? —Steve Bliss
   (...) In regards to self-referential claims of musical preference, please refer to (URL). Steve (25 years ago, 20-Mar-00, to

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