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 Off-Topic / Fun / 190
    Re: Overclocking Celeron 300a to 450 —Matt Marshall
   Bad idea to do that then, very bad idea. I was just looking at some computer catalog and I saw remote printer set ups, I could look up some more info on them if you want. I believe they were radio, and it had a neat little box that would attach to a (...) (26 years ago, 20-Oct-98, to
        Re: Overclocking Celeron 300a to 450 —Mike Stanley
   (...) Nah, no need to bother looking that stuff up, but thanks for the offer. I have all of the components here today to assemble the third machine. Once that is done I will need to find a dual printer port card so I can have 3 lpt ports and also at (...) (26 years ago, 20-Oct-98, to

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