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Re: Welcome to DC
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 23:01:49 GMT
1659 times
In, David Gregory wrote:
In, Rob Doucette wrote:
From the AP wire, "Woman Arrested for Eating Candy in Subway"

I guess I'd better bring my mace, and practice with it before I come to make
sure I'm quicker than the insane police.  Now the question is, which mace do I
bring?  The one in the spray can, or the one with all the spikes on it?

David "Fuzzy" Gregory

Laugh/cry/whine about the injustice of it all if you must, but the truth is,
because of our system's ban on eating and drinking while in the system, it has a
rep for being one of the cleanest in the world. However loosely or vigilantly
the rules are enforced, it's one thing to stuff the remainder of your food in
your mouth as you enter the system, but it's a whole 'nother thing to be
mouthin' off at the cop who just issued you a warning.

DON'T EAT OR DRINK ON THE METRO!!!! Your BrickFest fee does not include
provisions for bailing you out if you do!!

Regular Metro Rider

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Welcome to DC
(...) Dude...I was making a joke. I don't plan on riding the subway at all. (21 years ago, 31-Jul-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Welcome to DC
(...) sure I'm quicker than the insane police. Now the question is, which mace do I bring? The one in the spray can, or the one with all the spikes on it? David "Fuzzy" Gregory (21 years ago, 30-Jul-04, to

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