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 Off-Topic / Debate / 8294
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Re: Nature of man (was Re: Problems with Christianity)
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 02:22:04 GMT
942 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:
A side thought; what might occur in Creation that is unknown to Him?
Is there somewhere one can go to be out of His view (rhetorical point--not
a real question).  Isn't there something in the Bible about noticing the
death of each sparrow (or swallow or something?) Or is that just scholarly
musing not actually in The Bible itself?  If it is part of the book, then
it suggests to me that someone envisioned God as being aware of *everything.*

Indeed - Spoken by Christ Himself. (recorded in Matthew and Luke) [1]

What you're discussing here is a paradox, not unlike the debate going on
around us about truth and morality - right and wrong.  (I mean in general,
not just this thread)  Those whom we might call "politically correct"
effectively say:  There's no right or wrong - it's only right or wrong to
you.  There's no absolute truth - just what's true for you.  I'm absolutely
sure (ie. it's absolutely true) that nothing can be said to be absolutely
true.  <sigh>  It's a paradox.


[1] Luke 12:6,7
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies ? Yet not one of them is
forgotten by God. 7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Nature of man (was Re: Problems with Christianity)
(...) WHY are we worth more than sparrows? WHY would a god instill a soul in only ONE of his creations? -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | Please do not associate my personal views with my employer (24 years ago, 22-Dec-00, to

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  Re: Nature of man (was Re: Problems with Christianity)
(...) A side thought; what might occur in Creation that is unknown to Him? Is there somewhere one can go to be out of His view (rhetorical point--not a real question). Isn't there something in the Bible about noticing the death of each sparrow (or (...) (24 years ago, 21-Dec-00, to

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