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Re: Will Libertopia cause the needy to get less?
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 16:23:00 GMT
1162 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Bill Farkas writes:

I can just see you as a child at the local amusement park: walking up to the
roller coaster where the clown stands with his hand out saying if you're not
this tall you can't ride the roller coaster.

Is your heaven like a roller coaster, so dangerous then that it needs rules
to keep people out, because it's "unsafe" for them, who would qualify for
the other brands of rides (merry go round, ferris wheel, and other

I'm a big fan of roller coasters, but that doesn't sound like much of an
attraction to me.

Or is your analogy just inappropriate?

You're babbling, Bill, and not just in this post. Quit while you're ahead,
if you even are.

I can hear Britney singing, "Ooops, I did it again...", right now.

LAR!! You fell for trap #3. You're making this too easy. I'm waiting for
trap #2 also. Will he see it? Will he side-step it? Ignore it? Fall right in
like he has twice already? What's next folks?

Unfortunately, I'm off to work and must illustrate later. Which kinda makes
this even sweeter. Suspense.

Oh, and by the way, "my analogy" was EXACTLY what *I* wanted it to be. I got
the reply *I* was looking for. Thanks man.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Will Libertopia cause the needy to get less?
(...) something that bears repeating... (...) ++Lar (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to
  Re: Will Libertopia cause the needy to get less?
(...) So you gave irrelevant illustrations and get responses about how irrelevant was. I just can't see any genius trap in it. You obviously seem to see so, but again, I still can't figure out what do you want the achieve with this plan of yours, (...) (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Will Libertopia cause the needy to get less?
(...) Is your heaven like a roller coaster, so dangerous then that it needs rules to keep people out, because it's "unsafe" for them, who would qualify for the other brands of rides (merry go round, ferris wheel, and other rides)/heavens??? I'm a (...) (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to

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